Carmelo Boccafoschi, one of the Italian pioneers of the study of the neurological bladder, was born in Catania (Italy) on May 20th, 1945. In 1971 he graduated with honours in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Catania, specializing in General Surgery, Urology and Nephrology.
From 1973 to 1985 he worked as an assistant and auxiliary urologist at the Urological Clinics of the University of Trieste (Italy) and the Hospital “Ss. Antonio e Biagio” of Alessandria (Italy). He attended internships in various international renowned urological centres, as the Urologic clinics “Rechts der Isar” in Munich (Germany) and the Mayo Clinic in Rochester (Minnesota-USA).
Since 1986 he has been practising as a head physician urologist and as a head consultant for Urology-Andrology in the clinic “Città di Alessandria”.
Carmelo Boccafoschi held several teaching positions at the Schools of Specialization in Urology at the Universities of Trieste and Turin (Italy) and held many courses and lectures at the Schools of Specialization in Urology at the Universities of Brescia and Genoa (Italy). Presently he also works as a scientific consultant of biomedical and medical devices companies. He was chairman and/or speaker in about 300 Italian and international congresses and conferences.
He is the author of more than 320 scientific publications, many of which are validated by the International Scientific Community and have been presented during Italian and international conferences.
Carmelo Boccafoschi coordinates various study and research trials in Italy and has been the chairman or the coordinator of the scientific committees in several Italian scientific societies; since 2008 he has been in charge as the chairman of a scientific committee dealing with urology in private hospitals and also as the chief editor of the international scientific journal “Archives of Italian Urology and Andrology”. In December 2009 he was appointed as a member of the legal medicine committee within the “Società Italiana di Urologia”.
He has performed over 25.000 surgical interventions, most of which being urological open surgery, endoscopic and video-laparoscopic. More the half of these interventions concerned cancer pathologies and some of them were performed with self-developed techniques* especially for kidneys, bladder and prostate cancer.
On June 2nd, 2011 by decree of the President of the Italian Republic he was awarded, with the title of Knight of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic for his scientific merits.
* These self-developed techniques have been published in scientific journals and have been validated by the Italian and International Scientific Community.
His main professional activities include:
- General Urology
- Urology Oncology
- Urologic and Andrology Surgery
- Endourology
- Urodynamic and functional study of the urinary tract
- Female Urinary Incontinence
- Andrology (male infertility, erectile dysfunction, etc. ..)
- Kidney cancer (with techniques for kidney removal or conservation)
- Kidney stones (with renal endosurgery and in hypothermia for kidney preservation)
- Vascular kidney surgery for aneurysms or renal artery stenosis
- Surgery for ureter for cancer, stones, malformations, stenosis
- Bladder cancer, bladder malformations, vesicoureteral reflux, bladder stones, bladder diverticula, bladder removal and reconstruction (orthotopic neo-bladder with intestinal loop)
- Prostate cancer (with technique for preservation of the erection)
- Benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostatitis, prostatic stones
- Urethra cancer, urethral stenosis, urethral diverticula
- Penis cancer, induratio penis plastica (Peyronie's Disease), congenital curvature of the penis, erectile dysfunction
- Testicle cancer, varicocele, hydrocele
- Female and male urinary incontinence with minimally invasive surgery and short hospitalisation
The surgical interventions are performed with traditional open or (if appropriate) with endoscopic and/or video-laparoscopic techniques. Some surgical interventions are performed with self-developed minimally invasive techniques, which require a short hospitalization.